Illinois Car Accident Lawyers Directory & Resources for Residents
In the event of a Car Accident in Illinois, Mighty's extensive resources are designed to empower you with knowledge and understanding. We've also got a directory of Illinois Car Accident Lawyers so you can pick whenever you are ready to go further.
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If you've been in a car accident in Illinois, you may be feeling overwhelmed. Car accidents take meaningful tolls on those involved. Between medical bills, lost income, lost energy, property damage, and confusing paperwork, the path ahead can feel overwhelming.
But you're not alone. With the help of a skilled legal team and a compassionate support system, you can maximize your chances of recovering and minimize your financial burden.
Our attorney directory at includes a selection of car accident attorneys in your area who can provide legal assistance as you navigate the aftermath of an accident.
Most Common Car Accident Injuries
- Soft tissue injuries
- Head injuries
- Internal organ injuries
- Arm and leg injuries
- Broken bones

Josh Schwadron
Joshua is a lawyer and tech entrepreneur who speaks and writes frequently on the civil justice system. Previously, Joshua founded Betterfly, a VC-backed marketplace that reimagined how consumers find local services by connecting them to individuals rather than companies. Betterfly was acquired by Takelessons in 2014. Joshua holds a JD from Emory University, and a BA in Economics and MA in Accounting from the University of Michigan.

Did you know that seeking medical treatment after a car accident has implications that go beyond just your physical health? Read on to learn more.

Maly Ohrenschall
June 23, 2022

In order to pursue a personal injury settlement there must be another party responsible for the accident who is able to personally, or more commonly through insurance, provide compensation. You must also have suffered damages in the form of a physical injury or emotional trauma.

Maly Ohrenschall
June 23, 2022

Accidents are, well, accidents. They can happen to anyone and at any time. But, what you do after an accident is in your control and can make your post-accident journey easier and better for you and your family.

Maly Ohrenschall
June 23, 2022

What should I do if I get in a car accident in Illinois?
If you've been in a car accident in Illinois, the first step is to seek help for medical injuries and notify law enforcement right away. When responders arrive on the scene, they can write an official accident report, which can be useful as your case progresses. If you are able, you might want to collect photographic evidence, the other driver's license and insurance information, and witness statements. This information can be crucial when working with an attorney to build a strong case for your compensation.
What is the average settlement for a car accident in Illinois?
It's not necessarily possible to land on a specific number for the average car accident settlement amount in Illinois. That's because some cases settle privately, while others vary widely in terms of case details and outcomes.
Although 75% of personal injury cases settle for less than $30,000, the financial support you receive will likely depend on a handful of factors, including the details of the accident, the kinds of injuries you've sustained, and the cost of your medical treatment.
We know that it can feel impossible to put a price on a traumatic experience. An experienced car accident attorney can help you understand the value of your claim and work towards an outcome that feels fair.
Is hiring a car accident lawyer in Illinois necessary?
While hiring a car accident lawyer after your accident isn't mandatory, an experienced legal support system can help you navigate the complicated process in Illinois. It can be overwhelming to manage the aftermath of an accident, and a skilled lawyer can take away some of the stress that comes with paperwork, proving fault, and evaluating your options. With a strong support system and the right resources, you can focus on healing—physically, emotionally, and financially.
How much does a car accident lawyer in Illinois cost?
Many car accident lawyers work on a contingency basis, which means you'll only pay if you receive a payout. Fees can vary, so it's important to discuss payment structures with any potential attorney. Some may charge a pre-suit fee of 30% or less of the final settlement, and if you decide to pursue a lawsuit, fees might be capped at a certain percentage.
It's common for rates to be competitive, and some firms may offer rates lower than the traditional personal injury firm industry standard.
What does the process look like to get started filing my claim?
The process typically begins with a consultation with a legal professional. After discussing your case, you may be asked to sign a retainer agreement if the attorney believes they can assist you. There's often no upfront fee, and you may have a trial period to evaluate the service without any obligation, paying only if you win your case.
Once you've engaged an attorney, they will likely assign a case manager who will collect relevant documentation, including medical records, insurance information, and more. Your attorney will use those records to build a case and begin the negotiation process, handling all communications with the insurance company to reach a satisfactory resolution. If necessary, they may file a lawsuit on your behalf.
How long will it take to investigate a car accident claim in Illinois?
While the average personal injury case takes 1.5 years to resolve, the length of time varies greatly. Some car accident cases in Illinois settle within a year, while others can last over five years. The duration of your specific case will depend on the negotiations, the complexity of the case, the possibility of a lawsuit, and other factors. Attorneys aim to expedite the process and start building your case promptly.
What happens once my car accident case is settled?
If you choose to accept a settlement offer, you'll receive the agreed-upon compensation. From there, the rest is up to you. You can then focus on your recovery and moving towards a healthier, happier future.
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Suite 1700
Chicago, IL 60604